Stay True to Your Values
HostHuski was created with freedom in mind. We support creators of all backgrounds and beliefs, even when they differ from ours.
- 100% USA Servers
- We don't "cancel" anyone.
- 100% Independent from Big Tech
Try a free 30-Day trial of our $9 plan.
Auto-renews every month for $9. Cancel any time.
Freedom for businesses everywhere.
We won't "cancel" anyone.
You’ll also be in good company. While we do not discriminate against people based on their beliefs, we do not allow certain types of websites on our platform (like pornography, for example).
100% USA Server Infrastructure
While we host for customers globally, our cloud platform is located in the United States and is currently based in Texas. HostHuski is owned and operated from our corporate office in Utah.
Fast & secure hosting that’s out of Big Tech’s reach.
Safe & Private
We don’t sell your information and we provide free SSL (forever) to protect your customers’ information too.
Our Values
Our prices don’t come with asterisks and footnotes and our fine print isn’t hidden where you can’t find it.