Introducing Divi+ & Divi Ultimate

Upgrade for Divi on Unlimited sites and more…

Private Divi License

Get your own private license key

  • Unlimited Sites

    You get the best website performance from SSD Disks. With HostHuski, SSD comes standard, no matter what plan you choose.

  • Private Unlimited License Key ($89/yr value)

    You get the best website performance from SSD Disks. With HostHuski, SSD comes standard, no matter what plan you choose.

  • Pre-made Layout Library Access

    You get the best website performance from SSD Disks. With HostHuski, SSD comes standard, no matter what plan you choose.

  • Quick One-time Setup

    You get the best website performance from SSD Disks. With HostHuski, SSD comes standard, no matter what plan you choose.


Unleashed & Unlimited

  • Unlimited Sites

    You get the best website performance from SSD Disks. With HostHuski, SSD comes standard, no matter what plan you choose.

  • Pre-made Layout Library Access

    You get the best website performance from SSD Disks. With HostHuski, SSD comes standard, no matter what plan you choose.

  • Quick One-time Setup
  • +
  • Divi AI ($24/mo value)

    Backups done for you

  • Divi Cloud ($8/mo value)

    Backups done for you

  • Private Unlimited License Key ($89/yr value)

    Backups done for you

  • Direct Support from Elegant Themes

    Backups done for you

  • Yes! You can use it for clients!

    Backups done for you

Got Questions About Divi with HostHuski?

Do I have to get Divi from HostHuski?

Not at all. But you’ll pay less if you do!

Do all my sites stop working if I ever cancel?

Nope! But (and this is important) you won’t be able to update the Divi theme on your sites or use AI/Cloud features anymore (if included in your plan).

But the sites will still work and run as normal until Divi requires an update that will affect compatibility or stability of the site if left unupdated.

How does getting Divi through HostHuski work?

We own the master license to Divi and all of the features and services associated with that license. Elegant Themes, the creator of Divi, Iallows us to delegate access to End Users (that’s you!) so they can enjoy ALL the benefits of our membership without having to pay the full cost.

We love Divi and want you to have a no-brainer opportunity to enjoy it as we do.

Can I get access for my team?

Your team will be able to access all features while a user on a site using Divi with your credentials.

WordPress Hosting, with benefits.

You already get Divi for 1 site for free.

Upgrade today to use Divi on unlimited sites and enjoy additional features.