Ready to Elevate Your Company’s Online Experience? 5 Tips to Consider

Sep 27, 2024 | Uncategorized

online experience

Image: Unsplash

For today’s lesson we will take you, momentarily, into the magical world of big bucks.

Did you know The US Census Bureau has indicated that e-Commerce sales for the first quarter have risen since the previous and are predicted to reach even greater heights as the year moves on.

Sleepy yet?

With figures like $282 billion dollars (yes, with a B) and increasing. You may want to go and get a strong coffee.

Let’s face it, online customers expect a lot.

Given these kinds of numbers, why shouldn’t they?

With excellent online experience now being the norm, is your company’s online presence keeping up with expectations?

Consider these things where you feel your website may be lacking some energy.

Let’s give the people what they want.

Consider a Revamp

Combine great design elements with an understanding of why certain things catch people’s eye, and you are well on your way to giving a greater online experience.

Appealing colors, attractive graphics and ramped up images all assist in keeping potential customer on your site for longer.

Whether it is a whole re-do, or simply some artistic and creative touches, giving this topic some serious thought can work wonders.

Consider a revamp wherever your website starts to look bland and doesn’t seem to stand out in any way.

Perhaps it is time to plan for the next level.

Making it Work Every Time

Ensure your page links are all working. 404 Page Not Found errors frustrate immediately.

Reducing these kinds of deterrents should go without saying these days, but we all see them.

Device friendly websites will get a business further than ones who don’t seem to look quite right. There are so many devices around for ease of work and play functionality for everyone’s life and all businesses must cater to them all.

The bottom line?

If your site is not user friendly, customers will find one that is.

…and guess who that will be.

Every time.

There’s enough competition out there without handing your traffic over willingly.

Just saying.

Communication is Key

Whether a Chatbot is your main offering for customer communication or an old-school approach of a phone call, the means of communication can sometimes be where customers are left disappointed.

Quick responses to email queries married with helpful and precise product information is the focus here.

All these things show a commitment to your business and to those interested in shopping with you.

Cart abandonment will lessen, and customer loyalty will increase with friendly helpful interactions.

Such simple things.

IT on Board

Seamless operations are essential for a better online experience. Strong infrastructure and the staff who understand the bigger picture equals a brighter future for customers.

Monitoring load speeds, regular maintenance and updates and quick response all help to get rid of the bugs without causing too much disruption.

Knowing that traffic increases during holiday periods and seasonal sales may take its toll on the readiness of your site.

For the same reasons as it takes a village to raise a child, it takes synced-in I.T personnel to keep your customers travelling through the sales funnel happily.

What’s the old saying?

If you fail to prepare then you must be prepared to fail.

An Online Experience Mindset

I can hear it now.

“So, what is this expectation customers have?”

“How dare anyone be critical of our perfectly handsome website baby.”

Beauty may very well be in the eye of the beholder, but over time any website can grow into a customer luring powerhouse.

Its all in the mind.

Is your website looking a little tired? Let us help bring out its best and keep those online experiences in the positive. Contact us today for advice and know-how.

Want to learn even more?

Come see additional articles written to help your business on our blog. We talk about how to improve your website, get more customers, and more.