Should You Buy Similar Domains? 4 Things to Know

Feb 14, 2025 | Uncategorized



Why do business owners make a serious and considered decision to buy multiple domain names?

A penchant for world domination?


Don’t worry, we won’t judge.

The choice to proceed can be a very fruitful one indeed, but as with all big decisions, there are pros and cons.

Regardless of your motivation as a business owner there are, however, some things to consider when the multi-domain names urge comes a-knocking.

What’s In a Name

Do you have name that people might misspell?

It happens more than you think, but there is a way to mitigate the risk and keep your targets on track.

Buying misspelled versions of your domain can help your audience find you even if they forget how to spell your name or just through everyday searching, they misspell it.


Word of mouth. Organic searching though established customer referral gives potential new people a way to you immediately.

Sometimes, however, in their haste new visitors misspell your name.

Online searching typos. We have all done it.

Having other domain names with the common spelling mistakes can lead a valuable and wanted audience back to your front door.

Could Variety Be the Spice of Your Domain Life

Don’t let your competition steal your traffic. Different TLD’s (Top Level Domains) can help you with a similarly named business taking what should be yours.

On purpose or otherwise it may be in your best interest to cover all bases.

com, .net, and .org are the main ones.

Use it Or Lose It

Use multiple domain names to redirect traffic to your main site. You don’t need to have another domain which houses a website. The main goal is to ensure no visitor strays away from the intended website.

Know Your Stuff

We may be preaching to the TLD’s converted, but do you know what the other Top Level Domain abbreviations stand for?

Some are more trusted than others and some are the more commonly used, but there is method in the TLD madness.

The more recognizable is . com

Com refers to ‘Commercial.’

Similarly, .org refers to organization. This one is most often used for non-profit or even charitable operations.

Also, different countries have the TLD relevant to their region.

Canada had .ca

And Australia has

Keep this in mind.

It is better to look for a different domain name than using an ending besides .com and .org unless you specifically want a different TLD as part of your marketing strategy.

If your decision is to have more options,then raise a glass.

Your domain name and your brand are important therefore protecting your traffic and enhancing your business is something that shouldn’t be taken lightly.

Your webhost can support all your decisions to take your brand to the next step.

Look at you go!

Looking for ways to expand your domain empire? Contact us for the best advice and guidance through all areas of your platform and website needs.

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Come see additional articles written to help your business on our blog. We talk about how to improve your website, get more customers, and more.