Domain hunting is a big threat. No, this form of pursuit doesn’t involve individuals stealthy in their steps, masked in camouflage with pieces of bushland stuck to their heads or even the advantage of night vision goggles.
These hunters seek a different kind of trophy and have a different kind of vision. One that makes website owners and their businesses equally in danger.
Many businesses receive scam mail to renew their domains via mail by calling a number or visiting a website.
If you receive a letter saying it is time to renew your domain name, the chances are it is fake.
But how do you know? Are you in their sights?
What Do They Do?
Scammers use everyday communication methods alerting of an upcoming domain expiry. They direct owners to a phone line, or send letters asking to renew the domain name as a matter of urgency. Naturally, this causes alarm among website owners.
Those behind this type of scam disrupt and cause unease. The result is concern enough to evoke an immediate reaction.
What Happens if I Believe Them?
Like most scams, this unfortunate way of preying on the emotions of website owners reaps benefits in a few forms. There will be a monetary cost to secure your site from expiring. When this money is paid, the funds go directly into the pocket of the scammers, leaving your website vulnerable to actually expiring in real terms.
Expired domains can be costly and at worst can be susceptible to rendering your name up for grabs at a domain auction.
Remember your domain name is your business’ home, its namesake and its identifier for all your online traffic.
Whatever the cost, it is too high a price.
Protect Yourself
If no one can see your site, your contact email no longer exists but neither do your products and services.
Be vigilant, yes, but more importantly become self-educated. Be more aware of the other side of your website’s functionality.
Learning new things about online presence is an effective way of becoming more aware and ultimately, peace of mind.
Consider it a kind of insurance policy with yourself as the underwriter.
So, Who Can Help?
No one wants to live their life constantly being worried about scams, so it makes sense to arm yourself with information and the partners who help keep the nasties from your virtual door.
At HostHuski, we are committed to ensuring your renewal details are clear. We use Emails and (soon) texts to communicate to you 90 days before your domain expires so you never miss the deadline.
In addition, we will let you know if the domain is renewing automatically or is set to expire.
All scammers learn where the vulnerabilities lie to take advantage of the unsuspecting.
Awareness is key to ensuring you are not put in the position of this scam costing your money or worse…losing your domain name forever.
If you need advice on your domain name and where to get the best solutions and security for your business, contact us today. We’re here to help.