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What Could You Do With $300?
HostHuski May Be Able To Save You $300 On Web Hosting Recently, one of our customers told us they saved over $300 on their yearly hosting bill when they switched to us. We’re thrilled to hear this! It’s always great when our customers are happy. More money for them...
What’s the Difference Between Domain Hosting and Web Hosting?
Here at HostHuski, we get asked this question a lot. What’s the difference between domain hosting and web hosting? They sound the same, but they are very different and you need both to run a website. But what do they actually do? Well, let me go over them. How The...
3 Ways HostHuski Proves It Values Customers First
HostHuski values customers first. What does that mean? With no commitment hosting, no hassle contracts, and a free theme to boot, we give you everything you need.
Why You Should Work On Your Website During The Coronavirus Outbreak
The coronavirus has slowed business to a crawl thanks to social distancing. That makes now the best time to work on your website. Here’s why.
How to Make Your Website S.T.I.C.
In the modern age of the internet, you need a website if you want your business to succeed. In the past, we relied on direct advertisement, but this is swiftly becoming obsolete. DVRs record programs so that viewers can watch TV shows at their leisure, allowing them...
3 Ways to Attract Holiday Traffic to Your Website
Holiday Season From October to January, the season is dense with holidays. There are more than 30 different holidays during this time and it seems like the internet keeps inventing more every year! The popular ones most people think of are Halloween, Thanksgiving,...
7 Ways to Secure Your WordPress Website
7 Ways to Secure Your WordPress Website Being Secure Your website is a major component of your business’s success. It’s often the first impression customers will get from your company. That’s why web security is something you can’t risk overlooking. If your website...
Why Unlimited Hosting Is A Lie & 5 Other Secrets Web Hosts Don’t Want You To Know
Why Unlimited Hosting Is A Lie & 5 Other Secrets Web Hosts Don’t Want You To Know I value my relationships with my clients and customers, but monthly expenses often threaten my ability to keep my prices competitive. I do what I can to find ways to save money but I...