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Customers Not Clicking? Improve These 5 Website Elements

If you build it, they will come. Sound Familiar? Baseball fields (and their respective movies)...

4 Ways to Improve Your Customers Online Journey

What is more important? The journey or the destination. It is a bit like asking what comes first,...

How to Create a Great Conversion Form on Your Website

Our website forms can say a great deal about who we are. They paint a picture about what we can...

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4 Ways to Improve Your Customers Online Journey

4 Ways to Improve Your Customers Online Journey

What is more important? The journey or the destination. It is a bit like asking what comes first, the chicken or the egg? Ahh grasshopper, these are the age-old quandaries, but let me set your mind at rest. For website owners, the customer’s journey is paramount. This...

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Want Google to Recognize Your Website? Do These 3 Things

The G word. Essential for some, perplexing for others. Google can be your best friend, or that one you tolerate only on special occasions. If you sit on the latter side of the fence there are some things you can do to repair the friendship. Spending some time...

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DKIM and DMARC – Your New Email Security Wingmen

Imagine having an email  business partner that will stand the test of time. Solid, dependable and a protector of the same things that you yourself hold dear. Someone who understands what is essential to the viability of your business. Let me introduce DKIM, DMARC and...

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What You Can Learn from a Website Audit

It’s a polarizing word. Audit. For business owners, the words website audit should culminate in areas of improvement. A website audit itself can evoke a lot of different feelings. It can make your heart skip a beat, make you call your accountant, likely living under...

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Think You Can Renew Your Domain by Mail? Think Again.

Think You Can Renew Your Domain by Mail? Think Again.

Domain hunting is a big threat. No, this form of pursuit doesn’t involve individuals stealthy in their steps, masked in camouflage with pieces of bushland stuck to their heads or even the advantage of night vision goggles. These hunters seek a different kind of trophy...

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5 Free Ways to Find Web Design Clients For 2024

5 Free Ways to Find Web Design Clients For 2024

Ahh...the life of a web designer can be a cruel mistress. Moments of exhilaration for a job well received are shortly followed by instances of sheer terror at where the next one is coming from. For those unfamiliar with the world of creative pursuits, this roller...

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Guest Blogger Scams – The Ghosts in Your Machine

Guest Blogger Scams – The Ghosts in Your Machine

Just when you thought you knew all the signs of a scam, it seems the scam artists have been hard at work again. If you have a blog or a content-heavy website, it pays to be aware of what these people are up to now. Now scammers are targeting your blog for their own...

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