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Ready to Elevate Your Company’s Online Experience? 5 Tips to Consider

Image: Unsplash For today’s lesson we will take you, momentarily, into the magical world of big...

Customers Not Clicking? Improve These 5 Website Elements

If you build it, they will come. Sound Familiar? Baseball fields (and their respective movies)...

4 Ways to Improve Your Customers Online Journey

What is more important? The journey or the destination. It is a bit like asking what comes first,...

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Guest Blogger Scams – The Ghosts in Your Machine

Guest Blogger Scams – The Ghosts in Your Machine

Just when you thought you knew all the signs of a scam, it seems the scam artists have been hard at work again. If you have a blog or a content-heavy website, it pays to be aware of what these people are up to now. Now scammers are targeting your blog for their own...

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6 Ways to Reduce Contact Form Spam

6 Ways to Reduce Contact Form Spam

Who would have thought? Once doing their thing and minding their own business - a staple in an online presence, the humble contact form now must fight for its rights to be left alone. Website contact forms have found themselves of late in the firing line for increased...

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Is Shared Hosting Bad for SEO? Spoilers: No.

Is Shared Hosting Bad for SEO? Spoilers: No.

Is there truly a mystery surrounding SEO and rankings? Is it an enigma, clandestine in its movements and secretive in its ways? If SEO were a person, would she be wearing a trench coat, sporting dark sunglasses at midnight, and walking with intent and purpose through...

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4 SEO Myths That Are Simply Not True

4 SEO Myths That Are Simply Not True

Seek and you shall find, right? This is definitely the case with SEO and their myths.  The Issue? There are many myths and advice going around about SEO that are simply not true. And don’t go get your pitchforks and torches yet, because it's not really because people...

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3 Ways to Identify a Bug Report Scam

3 Ways to Identify a Bug Report Scam

When all the Halloween candy has been consumed and the horror movies watched for another year, there are still things that wake us up in a cold sweat. Internet scamming is big business with alarming amounts of money and data loss every day, leaving unsuspecting...

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The Most Common Reasons Customers Leave A Site

The Most Common Reasons Customers Leave A Site

There are many things in life that annoy us, make us cringe and wish we could turn back time, but for online customers looking for their next car, a new home or simply a retail bargain, there’s none more angst-inducing than a website that doesn’t perform the way...

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How to Spot a DMCA Scam Before It’s Too Late

How to Spot a DMCA Scam Before It’s Too Late

We’ve all seen a scammy email.  You wake up one day and are told by email that you are the new, proud owner of a castle in some obscure, foreign land. It’s everyone’s dream, right? And it can all be yours with a small payment of 1000 dollars of the local currency for...

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5 Features Clients Want to See on Your Website

5 Features Clients Want to See on Your Website

All businesses want their website to be the preferred and to look and feel the best. Did you know that how you go about design and hosting decisions can make all the difference? Yes, gentle people, it is these choices that support ongoing client advocacy and long-term...

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