Tips For You & Your Website

We want your business to be as successful as it can be. You already picked great hosting (good job!) now take it up a notch with our collection of articles on improving your online business presence.

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4 Ways to Improve Your Customers Online Journey

What is more important? The journey or the destination. It is a bit like asking what comes first,...

Want Google to Recognize Your Website? Do These 3 Things

The G word. Essential for some, perplexing for others. Google can be your best friend, or that one...

Think You Can Renew Your Domain by Mail? Think Again.

Domain hunting is a big threat. No, this form of pursuit doesn’t involve individuals stealthy in...

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4 Ways to Improve Your Customers Online Journey

4 Ways to Improve Your Customers Online Journey

What is more important? The journey or the destination. It is a bit like asking what comes first, the chicken or the egg? Ahh grasshopper, these are the age-old quandaries, but let me set your mind at rest. For website owners, the customer’s journey is paramount. This...

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Want Google to Recognize Your Website? Do These 3 Things

The G word. Essential for some, perplexing for others. Google can be your best friend, or that one you tolerate only on special occasions. If you sit on the latter side of the fence there are some things you can do to repair the friendship. Spending some time...

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Think You Can Renew Your Domain by Mail? Think Again.

Think You Can Renew Your Domain by Mail? Think Again.

Domain hunting is a big threat. No, this form of pursuit doesn’t involve individuals stealthy in their steps, masked in camouflage with pieces of bushland stuck to their heads or even the advantage of night vision goggles. These hunters seek a different kind of trophy...

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Guest Blogger Scams – The Ghosts in Your Machine

Guest Blogger Scams – The Ghosts in Your Machine

Just when you thought you knew all the signs of a scam, it seems the scam artists have been hard at work again. If you have a blog or a content-heavy website, it pays to be aware of what these people are up to now. Now scammers are targeting your blog for their own...

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6 Ways to Reduce Contact Form Spam

6 Ways to Reduce Contact Form Spam

Who would have thought? Once doing their thing and minding their own business - a staple in an online presence, the humble contact form now must fight for its rights to be left alone. Website contact forms have found themselves of late in the firing line for increased...

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4 SEO Myths That Are Simply Not True

4 SEO Myths That Are Simply Not True

Seek and you shall find, right? This is definitely the case with SEO and their myths.  The Issue? There are many myths and advice going around about SEO that are simply not true. And don’t go get your pitchforks and torches yet, because it's not really because people...

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3 Ways to Identify a Bug Report Scam

3 Ways to Identify a Bug Report Scam

When all the Halloween candy has been consumed and the horror movies watched for another year, there are still things that wake us up in a cold sweat. Internet scamming is big business with alarming amounts of money and data loss every day, leaving unsuspecting...

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